Saturday, November 8, 2008

My new favorite things...

I have become so grown up lately...I know I keep telling you, but here are pictures to prove it.

I love to hold keys and hear them jingle. But what I really love to do is walk around with them, saying, "bye bye".

I leave the room where everyone else is and when I come back, I say "hi". I don't stay long though...I'm always on the move and when I leave I say, "bye bye" again.

This time, I'm really going. I've got my purse and my keys. "Bye bye"!!!!!

**thank you Sara Price for the adorably monogrammed pink corduroy jumper! We LOVE it!***

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Oktoberfest; October 19, 2008

Mommy and Daddy took me to the Oktoberfest at Fort Gordon. My babysitter, Denise, and her husband Shawn met us there with Susi and little Aiden. A little while later my Oma, and aunties and cousin Audrey came too. Even though it was cool outside, we had a great time!

When we first walked past the rides I was very excited!

I'm not spoiled at all (<---please note the sarcasm)...if I say "please", Daddy will share pretty much anything with me. This is my first funnel cake!

It was so good, I had to let my nose participate in the deliciousness too!

I got to ride on another carousel.

I am such a big girl now...I really like the carousel!

I got to ride my first real pony at the Oktoberfest. I was very interested in touching his mane...I almost leaned right off of my pony before the ride started because I wanted to touch his hair!

It didn't even take a whole lap around for me to realize how fun this pony-riding thing is!

I couldn't stop smiling...

My pony was so much fun!!!

I laughed and smiled the whole ride!!!

When Oma and my aunties and Audrey got there, I had to share my Daddy with Audrey. I like to share (most of the time)!

Aunty Constance and Denise were trying to decide something very important...can't you tell?

You know how I said I wasn't spoiled? Daddy isn't the only one who 'doesn't' spoil me. My babysitter, Denise, made sure I got to play at least one game.

I really love throwing, so this game was perfect for me! Audrey was really good at it too!

Audrey and I both won the pink bumpy balls because we made baskets!

Even though we both had our own, we like to share (or 'borrow' from each other)!

The pumpkin patch was a great place to take pictures!

I offered Daddy some straw, but he must have found his own.

This is my friend Aiden. He, Audrey, and I have started attending a music class together. We sing songs and play wooden sticks and learn about rhythm. It's really fun!

Just posing for Mommy.

I think it looked delicious...don't you agree?

October 12 2008; Mommy and Daddy took me to the zoo, again

This was my first time to ride the carousel. Daddy rode with me and I really had such a good time!!

I am so adorable!!!

Here are a few pictures of me being the cute little baby/big girl that I am turning into! This day was rare...I don't usually pose for Mommy and the camera.

Great Grandma's 90th birthday party; September 27, 2008

We got to help my Great Grandma Helen celebrate her 90th birthday while my Mar Mar was visiting from Malaysia in September.

It was a beautiful day and Great Grandma Helen was very surprised!

Lots of family and friends came to great grandma's to show her how much we love her!

Uncle Jessie givin' Great Grandma some love.

Mommy lit the candles for Great Grandma's birthday cake.

Mar Mar and Aunty Christy served up the yummy cake and ice cream for everyone.

Great Grandma and Addy are very good friends.

Aunty Christy planned the whole thing with Great Aunty Donna.

My cousin Addy Ann and I got to take a picture with Great Grandma!

My family on my Great Grandma's side...that's all of us!

AddyAnn and I love our Mar Mar!!!

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Visiting my Family...

I am so fortunate to live so very close to my Oma, Opa, Aunty Can-Can, Aunty Con-Con, and my cousin Audrey! Here are some pictures from a typical day of visiting with my family...

We love to swim in Oma and Opa's beautiful pool. Opa is good at throwing me up in the air and I love it!!

Fortunately, Opa is also very good at catching me!

I love Opa!

I love to climb the stairs of the pool, in fact, they are the first stairs that I ever climbed. Sometimes Daddy catches me and gives me a hug. (ok...I admit it...Daddy does this a lot!)

I told you this was a typical day...Mommy loves to get in the pictures. Aunty Con-Con and Mommy are smiling so brightly because they love to eat (and were eating) Nutella!

Oma and Daddy usually talk about very important things...I just listen very carefully and smile at Oma.

Aunty Con-Con helps me learn some dancing moves.

Audrey gives really great hugs. She also likes to help me find my eyes, nose, and mouth!

Aunty Can-Can and Audrey helped me get into Audrey's dolly stroller; Audrey took me for a ride. Mommy, Daddy, Oma, Opa, and my Aunties thought it was very cute!!

It was a nail-biter!!!

Thanks for stopping by to keep track of what I've been up to!!