Sunday, July 20, 2008

computer California...pregnant, again

Not necessarily in order of importance:
1. My laptop was dropped and I lost all of my pictures from December through now...I know, it's my fault because I didn't backup. Believe me, that will never be an issue ever again. Anyway, a friend is trying to retrieve them from the dead hard drive...I'll let you know what the outcome is.

2. We are not visiting California this summer as planned...Michael is taking a promotional test to become a Sergeant (woo hoo!!!), but it happens to be during our planned trip to California. So...unfortunately we will not be visiting our friends and family as planned. Please know that if you'd like to visit us, we'd love to have you!

3. I'm pregnant. Again. Surprise! Apparently being in Hawaii increases ones fertility and boom....we're having an aloha baby. I'm due January 24, 2009. Helena and the new baby will be 16 months apart. I am feeling well and trying my best to sleep as much at night as I can because I realize, this time, how precious a full night's sleep is!

Pictures to come soon, I promise!

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Check Out Helena's Last Sessions With Our Photographer...

Please visit to see Helena's latest round of photos with the photographer. From there click on: "main site" then "client proofing" and type in "helena"

We hope you aware that Helena is not thrilled with her time at the photographer's...she appears worried a lot, but we got some cute ones too! Happy viewing!