Sunday, September 21, 2008

Visiting my Family...

I am so fortunate to live so very close to my Oma, Opa, Aunty Can-Can, Aunty Con-Con, and my cousin Audrey! Here are some pictures from a typical day of visiting with my family...

We love to swim in Oma and Opa's beautiful pool. Opa is good at throwing me up in the air and I love it!!

Fortunately, Opa is also very good at catching me!

I love Opa!

I love to climb the stairs of the pool, in fact, they are the first stairs that I ever climbed. Sometimes Daddy catches me and gives me a hug. (ok...I admit it...Daddy does this a lot!)

I told you this was a typical day...Mommy loves to get in the pictures. Aunty Con-Con and Mommy are smiling so brightly because they love to eat (and were eating) Nutella!

Oma and Daddy usually talk about very important things...I just listen very carefully and smile at Oma.

Aunty Con-Con helps me learn some dancing moves.

Audrey gives really great hugs. She also likes to help me find my eyes, nose, and mouth!

Aunty Can-Can and Audrey helped me get into Audrey's dolly stroller; Audrey took me for a ride. Mommy, Daddy, Oma, Opa, and my Aunties thought it was very cute!!

It was a nail-biter!!!

Thanks for stopping by to keep track of what I've been up to!!

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Hi dear family! What a fun typical day! I am a bit jealous to see you our at the pool! The weather has turned to fall here, quite the chill in the air. But I do love the changing seasons. Helena is getting so big! What a sweetie! How are you doing with the babe Cindy? I hope everything is moving along well! Do you have the bump yet?! Love to you all! The Hanley Family